Survive The Talk With Your Daughter #KotexMom

U by Kotex

When I was a girl, my mom didn’t have the talk with me. Back then we just didn’t discuss that sort of thing. I remember being so afraid and confused when my period started. Fortunately, these days the lines of communication between mothers and daughters are much more open. Even if you have a great relationship with your daughter; however, the topic of your daughter’s first period can still be a difficult one to approach. Kotex realizes this can be an uncomfortable topic, so they’ve provided fabulous resources to help you survive the talk with your daughter.

Be prepared. It’s important to get prepared, before having “the talk” with your tween daughter. The Kotex web site has all the facts about puberty you need to inform your daughter, answer her questions, and clear up any confusion she may have. You can brush up on the facts about menstruation and learn how to clear up any confusion caused by inaccurate information or myths your daughter may have heard from friends. Kotex will also help you prepare for the questions your daughter might ask.

Knowledge is power when it comes to growing up!

Put together a first period kit. Put together a kit that includes pads, liners, an extra pair of underwear, wet wipes, and a discreet carrying case. It’s also important to get the right product for your daughter, and the information on the Kotex web site will help you do that.

kotex tween

Buy her a book. There are a lot of good books on this topic, geared toward tween girls. It’s important that you give her the book AFTER having the talk, and not instead of. Also show her the U by Kotex web site, where she can find answers to many questions and see what other girls have to say about starting their first period.

Know when to have the talk.  Be sure not to make a big production over having the period talk. If you make a big deal about having the conversation, your daughter will surely get nervous and uncomfortable. I recommend starting the conversation when you are alone in the car or when you are sitting down to watch a chick flick together. Start the conversation off as natural as possible. It’s also important to have complete privacy, for the conversation.

Keep the lines of communication open. Let your daughter know that she can come to you with any question, at any time. I know that I would rather she be comfortable coming to me, rather than turning to the girls at school.

I encourage you to take advantage of the valuable information on the Kotex web site. It has tons of information for both moms and daughters. There is even a place for your daughter to ask questions or view the questions and answers from other tweens. You can also connect with Kotex on Facebook.

Disclosure: I wrote this review while participating in a Brand Ambassador Campaign by Mom Central Consulting on behalf of U by Kotex Tween and received products to facilitate my post and a promotional item to thank me for taking the time to participate. #KotexMom

View Comments (6)
  • I like this promotion. It is great to have open communication between mom and daughter. I didn’t have that when I was young. Thanks for sharing!

  • Such a great promotion. So many moms don’t adequately inform their daughters. I had the talk with my girls last year when they were in the 3rd and 2nd grade. I did it together, made it a no big deal talk as we were learning to shave legs. The girls in my family start early, and I am glad I did so because my oldest girl started before her 9th birthday! I didn’t go too deep into the reproductive points, just WHAT happens and it’s so you can have babies when you are married. She’s satisfied with that answer for now and unworried with what is going on!

    • Good for you for having the talk so early! I was very surprised when I read on the Kotex site that some girls start as early as the age of eight.

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