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Telling Kids the Truth About Santa Claus

Telling Kids the Truth About Santa Claus

Telling kids the truth about Santa Claus is tricky business. Love, Santa is a wonderful book to help parents explains the truth about Santa Claus when the time comes for that conversation with your children.

This post is sponsored by Scholastic. However, personal experience and enthusiasm about the Love, Santa book are all my own.

When my little girl came to live with me at the age seven, when I first became her legal guardian, she believed in Santa Claus. Since then, I take full responsibility for keeping her in the dark about who Santa really is. Last holiday season when some of her classmates told her that Santa wasn’t real, I pacified her by saying they were just being mean. I didn’t feel great about lying to her, but I also didn’t want to take from her all the magic that Santa brings to Christmas. Telling kids the truth about Santa Claus is tricky business. Now that she’s in the fourth grade, she is bound to start believing what the kids at school have to say about Santa Claus, so I’ve gotten ahead of it by reading the book Love, Santa by Martha Brockenbrough with her.

Telling kids the truth about Santa Claus is tricky business. Love, Santa is a wonderful book to help parents explains the truth about Santa Claus when the time comes for that conversation with your children.

Explaining the truth about Santa without destroying the magic of the season is harder than you might realize. Love, Santa is a wonderful tool to help parents explain the truth about Santa Claus when the time comes for that conversation with your children.

The book follows a little girl named Lucy throughout early childhood, as she forms a heartwarming relationship with Santa by exchanging letters with him each Christmas. The letters start out as what you would expect from a child. Lucy tells Santa what gifts she desires. She also asks about the North Pole and Mrs. Claus, and inquires about Santa’s favorite cookies. Kids will love that they can actually hold and read Lucy’s and Santa’s letters.

Telling kids the truth about Santa Claus is tricky business. Love, Santa is a wonderful book to help parents explains the truth about Santa Claus when the time comes for that conversation with your children.

The book’s beautiful artwork, Illustrated by Lee White, includes interactive letters that you can take out and read. The letters are tucked into envelopes that are adhered to pages of the book.

Telling kids the truth about Santa Claus is tricky business. Love, Santa is a wonderful book to help parents explains the truth about Santa Claus when the time comes for that conversation with your children.

One year, when Lucy is a little older, she writes a letter to her mother instead: Mom, are you Santa?

The response that her mother gives is perfect, and in all honesty much better than what I could have come up with myself. Her mother responds to say that no, she is not Santa. Because Santa is bigger than any one person — we bring him out through kindness to one another and the power of imagination. She further explains that parents help Santa do a job that would otherwise be impossible.

Telling kids the truth about Santa Claus is tricky business. Love, Santa is a wonderful book to help parents explains the truth about Santa Claus when the time comes for that conversation with your children.

Santa is love and magic and hope and happiness.

If I had just told my little girl that there is no Santa, I know without a doubt that she would be devastated. This explanation that Santa is the spirit of Christmas, and that parents are the ones who wrap the gifts to put under the tree was just enough of a truth for her to handle.

If it’s nearing time for you to have that conversation with your child to explain the truth about Santa Claus, I highly recommend reading this book together first.

Telling kids the truth about Santa Claus is tricky business. Love, Santa is a wonderful book to help parents explains the truth about Santa Claus when the time comes for that conversation with your children.

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Love, Santa is beautifully written and illustrated, but more than that it contains beautiful message and gentle way of getting through the turning point of how a child celebrates Christmas.

You can find Love, Santa in stores now. Recommended for parents and kids ages 6-11 (for telling the truth about Santa).

Learn more about the book.

How do you explain Santa to your children?

Telling kids the truth about Santa Claus is tricky business. Love, Santa is a wonderful book to help parents explains the truth about Santa Claus when the time comes for that conversation with your children.

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View Comments (18)
  • This is an awesome idea! It’s so tough when you have to tell me. My youngest figured it out before my oldest. It was a tough talk because everything was exposed- Easter Bunny, tooth fairy etc!

  • This sounds like such a wonderful book. My eldest found out the truth about Santa when her dad came home drunk one Christmas Eve and dropped it out. She was 11, and I knew she should have heard the truth by then, but it was a horrible way for her to learn it. Things haven’t been the same between them ever since 🙁

    Louise x

  • What a great book for kids. This would have been helpful to have had with my kids. I will have to get this for my grandsons when the time comes.

  • I love how this book discusses Santa in such a positive and heartwarming way. I need to get this wonderful book!

  • My boys are 10 haven’t quite started to question yet. I’m dreading it! One of them will take it hard, the will take it all in stride. My 12 year old daughter refuses to question it, I don’t think she wants to know!

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