Things to Consider When Starting a New Job

The days of working at one place of employment for 20 – 30 years and retiring with a fat pension are long over. Today’s workforce is having to adapt and reinvent themselves over and over again, often starting over in unfamiliar territory. Whether you are making a career change, going back to work after being a stay at home mom, or returning to work after a period of unemployment; there are some things to consider when starting a new job.

things to consider when starting a new job

Acknowledge that it is a big change and some anxiety is normal. Beginning a new job is considered to be one of the top 10 life changing stressful events. It’s natural to feel nervous about the change and important to realize that it is perfectly normal to feel anxious. You may even find yourself second guessing the decision to take the job. Spend some time thinking about the positive aspects of the job and focus on that.

Mentally prepare yourself for the new job. If you can afford to take a break before starting the new job, spend that time doing activities that relax you. Even if it’s for just a few days, taking some time to recharge will help mentally prepare you. Take stock of your emotional, mental, and physical health. Are you eating a healthy diet? Have you been exercising and getting enough sleep? You may want to take some of this time off to research and learn more about your new employer. You don’t want to be blind sighted by something you could have learned from a simple online search.

Brush up on your skills. It may have been a while since you’ve done some of those skills listed on your resume. There are many free tutorials available online, that will help you brush up on your skills. It’s important to know what your job functions will be, before that first day of work, so you’re not caught off guard when your employer asks for that presentation.

Have an emergency plan in place. Make sure your children’s schools and caretakers have your new employers telephone number. It’s also a good idea to have multiple people available to pick up your child in case of emergency, and be sure they are on the list at school or daycare.

Dress for success. I know this sounds clique, but so often first impressions are lasting impressions. It’s best to plan your outfits for the first week and prepare to dress conservatively. Once you’ve had a chance to take in the office culture, you can make adjustments to your wardrobe if necessary.

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Prepare to fill out lots of paper work. A new job is the perfect time to take advantage of employer benefits such as family life insurance or disability benefits. Take the paper work home with you, if your employer permits and carefully go over each document. Many of the benefits available to you as a new employee are not offered later on, or may not be available without a health check. You might be perfectly healthy today, but you never know what tomorrow might bring. Consider these 3 steps to preparing for an emergency. It’s best to be prepared for the unknown.

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