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Tips to Keep Your Laptop Safe

Tips to Keep Your Laptop Safe

Tips to Keep Your Laptop Safe

Call me paranoid, but I am willing to go to great lengths to protect the information that is stored on my laptop, tablet, and smartphone. From online banking to having the ability to work from home, today’s technology has sure made life easier for us. Think for a moment about everything that is stored on your laptop, that could be damaging to you if it got into the hands of a thief. Maybe it’s last year’s tax return or a doc containing all of your passwords? In my continued partnership with Absolute LoJack to promote Device Theft Awareness Month, I am sharing tips to keep your laptop safe.

Theft of smartphones, laptops and tables is a real problem. Last year 3.1 million smartphones were stolen in the U.S. alone. I am pretty careful when it comes to protecting my devices, but there is always more that can be done. What are mistakes are you making that put your personal information at risk? Check out the graphic below which points out 5 things that make you an easy target for thieves.

Tips to Keep Your Laptop Safe

Tips to Keep Your Laptop Safe

Since we take these miracles of technology with us everywhere, how do we protect them?

Never leave your laptop unattended. That means you college student, in the library, working hard on your paper! Don’t leave that laptop on the table when you go looking for another book, to the bathroom or to the printer.

Beware of where you sit. If you must take your laptop with you to the coffee shop, don’t sit by the door where it’s easy for someone to snatch it and run. Don’t even leave it on the table when you go to pick up your $10 coffee!

Leave it in the car? Where? Not in plain sight and, if you put it in the trunk (still a risk), don’t let anyone see you, be discreet.

Is it safe in your hotel room? ABSOLUTELY NOT!!! If there is not a safe in your room that the item will fit in, hide it. Turn your TV up loud and place the “Do Not Disturb” sign on the door. At least the would-be thief will think twice before entering.

Going on vacation or business trip? Whatever you do, don’t check your laptop in your luggage. Not everyone is interested in protecting your property; even employees of the airport/airlines and TSA have been arrested for thefts of passenger’s property.

Plan on using that device on the plane? Don’t EVER put it in the pocket behind the seat: number one place laptops are lost on planes. They tend to fall down into the pocket and, after listening to the endless chatter of your neighbor, you forget you even put it there.

Smart Storage. Have you ever thought of what you carry your computer or device in? Is it obvious that you are carrying it? Try to use bags that don’t scream, “here I am, come and get me”. Especially if your primary mode of transportation is walking or public transit. Bad guys these days would rather have your computer than your purse.

Can’t remember that password? PLEASE don’t write on a sticky and place on your computer… really? Why even have one? Make your password strong and unrelated to who you are or anything a thief might have access to when they steal your bag or device.

Device Theft Awareness Month - Absolute LoJack Uncovered

Absolute LoJack Uncovered: If you do happen to become the unfortunate victim of device theft, leave the recovery of your device to the professionals. Absolute LoJack, an industry leader in laptop tracking software and smartphone tracking software, offers peace of mind by protecting your data in the event of a stolen device. Unlike other security services that only locate missing devices, Absolute LoJack is dedicated to recovering stolen devices and returning them to their rightful owners. Absolute LoJack has a highly skilled Investigations Team made up of former law enforcement professionals with extensive training in computer forensics and cyber crime. Their expertise and data protection software will ensure your device gets back into the right hands.

Do you do a good job of protecting your devices? Take the “How secure do you keep your laptop? Test” and get your security personality!

Exclusive Offer for My Readers: Get 30% Off a One-Year Absolute LoJack Standard or Premium Subscription. Just use the promo code UNCOVER30 at checkout. This offer is valid through August 31, 2014. You don’t want to miss out on this savings!

For crime prevention info and tips, be sure to follow hashtag #AbsoluteUncovered on Twitter, Facebook, and Google+.

I was compensated for this post but all opinions are my own.

View Comments (34)
  • We just got a laptop lock for our daughter to lock up even when she leaves it in her locked dorm bedroom. Never can be too safe. I noticed that they were selling LoJack in the university tech store too!

  • I’m so careful about my phone, keeping it protected and with me at all times. There are many steps I need to take to make my laptop safe. I’m definitely going to rethink where I’m sitting out in public & where I put it .

    • I know right? I always pack my things up if I’m going to go to the bathroom and take it with me. I often wonder if those same people would leave their purse or wallet on a table and go to the restroom! That Absolute LoJack is a great back up in case it does get stolen though.

  • When I was a nursing student, I really never took my laptop anywhere – it was my main PC for home. But now as a blogger, I find myself having to load it up and head out with it more often, and I must admit it isn’t very protected. Probably need to make a few changes to that! 🙂

  • Sounds like a great idea for someone who has to pack their laptop around. Especially a student who more than likely couldn’t afford to replace it.

  • Seriously why would someone bother with a password if they are going to stick it on the laptop or in the bag that carries it? I never leave my laptop out of site. If I site down and am not using it the bag is between my legs so I can feel it and a loop is around my foot. I would never check my laptop. Have you seen how bag handlers handle baggae?

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