Get Clean Dishes in Just 5 Minutes with Dawn Power Clean #DawnPowerClean #ad

We live in an old country house with no dishwasher, so a good dish washing liquid is really important to me. Needless to say, I was intrigued to take on the new Dawn Power Clean 5-Minute Challenge. Could I really get clean dishes in just 5 minutes?

There’s nothing worse than spending my evening or morning scrubbing stubborn grime off of dishes. It’s often necessary to let the dinner dishes soak overnight, which regrettably means waking up to a sink full of dirty dishes.

Here’s a picture of this mornings dishes. Disgusting right?

Thanks to Social Moms I received a bottle of Dawn Power Clean, a sponge, and a cute kitchen timer to take the Dawn 5-Minute Challenge. The key to getting clean dishes with Dawn Power Clean is the 5-minute soak. After this mornings breakfast, I filled the sink with the dirty dishes, hot water and a squirt of Dawn Power Clean. Next, I set the timer for 5 minutes and walked away.

What were the Results?
After the 5 minutes was up, I was easily able to wash all of my dishes clean. I didn’t even need to use the rough side of the sponge! There was definitely a noticeable difference in how easily everything came clean, after Dawns micro-scrubbing enzymes went to work. Plus, afterward my hands weren’t as dry as they sometimes get using some other products.

Here are a few of my tips for making kitchen clean-up a breeze!

1. Prepare one-dish meals or casseroles. I am the queen of casseroles! Preparing and serving dinner in one dish means fewer dishes to clean.

2. Clean as you go. Not having a dishwasher means that my sink fills up fast. If I am baking or preparing a large meal, I try to put dishes in to soak and wash along as I work on the meal.

3. Enlist help. Why do all the work yourself? Getting the kids involved setting the table and washing dishes makes my life much easier.

About Dawn Dishwashing Products
With Dawn’s line of power products, you can get the amazing power of an overnight soak in just five minutes. These products cut grease and dissolve tough foods on your everyday dishes (even the ones you bake in) without the effort of elbow grease!

Dawn Power Clean is available in Refreshing Rain Scent and Vibrant Fresh Scent.

Connect with Dawn on Facebook and check out the conversation on Twitter by following the #DawnPowerClean hashtag.

I wrote this blog post while participating in the SocialMoms and Dawn blogging program, to earn My SocialMoms Rewards Points, and I received free product for participating. The opinions and ideas expressed here are my own. To read more posts on this topic, click here.

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