Identity Theft Protection

Identity theft has become more and more common. It amazes me that someone sitting in a country I have never heard of before has the ability to ruin me with a few clicks on the computer. I have also been seeing more on the news about mail theft lately. I have a family member who has fallen victim to identity theft and it is literally a full time job trying to repair the damage. There are some things that I personally do to protect myself against identity theft.

  • Invest in a shredder. I shred anything that contains personal information and account numbers, before it goes into the trash. A shredder is a low cost and very worthwhile investment.
  • Use strong passwords. I change my online passwords regularly. It is important not to use anything obvious like family names and birth dates. Try to use a combination of capitol and lower case letters, and numbers.
  • Check your credit regularly. I usually run my credit report twice a year and look over it carefully to make sure that it contains no fraud.

For those seeking professional identity theft protection, there are companies like IdentityHawk that specialize in the protection of identity theft. Identity Hawk offers a comprehensive identity theft solution. IdentityHawk was created to help consumers safeguard their assets, their properties, and their good names. Through a suite of protective benefits, IdentityHawk members can view the health of their identity protection, identify areas where they’re most at risk, and take proactive steps to reduce those risks. I think identity theft protection is a worthwhile investment. I will definitely rest easier at night knowing that my family’s financial future is safe.

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