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What Motivates Me? FitBit One #MillionSteps Challenge

What Motivates Me? FitBit One #MillionSteps Challenge

I’m not easily motivated when it comes to fitness, at least not since my twenties. I’m envious of those people that get a rush from activities like running and cycling. Rather, I just find myself feeling quite ill afterward. Best Buy gave me an opportunity to try out the FitBit One, so I decided to give it a go and see if it would motivate me to be more active.

My FitBit One arrived about a week ago, and I must confess that I waited a couple of days to take it out of the box. I was having a lot of mixed emotions about it, feeling both and excited and leery about the accountability I was about to embark upon. In the past, I’ve only found myself successful on diet and fitness programs that held more of a public accountability. So, yeah public shame pretty much motivates me. After all, who wants to look like a lazy slob to all of their friends? The FitBit online community is truly great. You can see how your friends are doing, as well as get help and support.

I have some health limitations that keep me from getting a lot of exercise. As with many ailments, there are good days and bad days. I am so guilty of not taking advantage of those good days. It’s often just easier to use the excuse that I am ill, rather than go for a walk.

Being Accountable to Myself
I’m a very visual person, and being able to check my steps at a glance has really motivated me this week. It’s not only that I don’t want to look like a slacker in the FitBit online community, but I want to be proud of myself. I still have a candy jar sitting on my desk and indulge on the occasional sweet treat, but am getting a lot more exercise. I’ll be tweeting about my progress each day to show my support for the Best Buy Million Steps Challenge. Just follow along with the #MillionSteps hashtag to see everyone’s progress.

The dogs are really happy that Best Buy sent us a FitBit One. They’ve been getting a lot of extra walks.

FitBit is more than counting steps – it shows you the big picture! You can track food, activity, weight, water, sleep to see the big picture of how your daily choices affect your health. Yesterday I downloaded the FitBit app to my mobile phone, so now I have no excuse to not keep track and stick with it. It’s surprisingly easy to do.

The FitBit One is remarkably small. I’m able to comfortably and discreetly clip it to my bra or pants. I was very worried that wearing the fitbit to bed would be uncomfortable, but it’s not at all. In fact, when wearing it tucked inside the included wrist strap, I don’t even notice it’s there. Syncing up your data couldn’t be easier. Overall, I’m extremely pleased with the comfort and ease of use for this product.

Did you know that the medical community recommends a minimum of 10,000 daily steps for optimal health? Here I was feeling good about the 3,611 steps that I took yesterday. It seems there is still much room for improvement. But I’ll get there… eventually, now that I have my FitBit One for motivation! Are you ready for some motivation? Best Buy is offering 20% savings to help you meet your fitness needs – Save 20% now on health and beauty products or small kitchen appliances. Just click the links to print. (Be sure to check the dates that the coupons are valid for.

* The reviewer has been compensated in the form of a Best Buy Gift Card and/or received the product/service at a reduced price or for free.

View Comments (16)
  • I have an Active Link right now from Weight Watchers. You have to be a member of WW to use their Active Link. All mine does is record movement. Not calories burned or sleep activity.
    I’ve seen the Fit Bit One at Target for 99.00. How much is it at Best Buy these days?
    Thanks for the information!

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