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Skype and Keeping Friends Close

Skype and Keeping Friends Close

Skype and Keeping Friends Close


There’s nothing quite like growing up with a best friend. A best friend is someone you can share your secrets with. She is someone who will be honest and tell you that new hairdo really isn’t your best look. She is also someone who will laugh at your bad jokes. She’ll be the one to hold you and let you know it’s going to be okay when your heart is breaking over that guy you dated for a whole two weeks. I had a best friend growing up. She lived in the house next door, and we were an inseparable pair. I’ll never forget how devastating it was when she moved to the other side of the state when we were both fourteen years old. I felt like I lost a piece of me on that day.

Skype and Keeping Friends Close

My best friend and I kept in close touch for a while, but then life happened and we drifted apart. We both got busy with high school, sports, and new friends. We lost touch for quite a few years, but when we reconnected it was like we hadn’t skipped a beat. Technology has made it easier for us to share each other’s joys and heartaches. I’ve been able to watch her kids grow up and get to know them through Skype. Although it’s not the same as living next door to each other, it certainly is the next best thing.

I recently watched this video that got me to thinking about my own best friend, and how we’ve managed to stay close all these years. It’s about a girl named Julia and her best friend Marina who lives in Brazil. Julia is a 10 year old girl who, in her own words, is an “LA girl and a Brazilian all slammed together.” She loves to dance, sing and read, but most of all, she loves to talk for hours and hours with her best friend and Brazilian cousin, Marina. Right on the verge of their teenage years, they talk about everything, from boys to fashion to their favorite celebrities. And despite being different ages and in different countries, their ability to keep in touch lets them grow up together and stay best friends forever.

This video is just so sweet. Do you have a friendship like the one Julia has with Marina?

I bet you have a story of keeping friends or family close to share. Check out these stories and submit your own at Skype Stay Together. One winner will be chosen at the end of July to be featured as the 4th Stay Together documentary and will also receive a $10,000 travel voucher to visit their family.

Disclosure: Compensation was provided by Skype via Glam Media. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions or positions of Skype.

View Comments (36)
  • Skype will always be close to my heart! When my husband joined the military we were separated for 2 years straight. Skype was the only way he got to see our kids grow up during those two years. Skype was the only way my kids got to see and talk to their daddy. We were also stationed in Germany at this time, while the husband was in Iraq. So Skype was also the only way we were able to keep in touch with our family back in the US, and for the kids to see their grandparents and the grandparents to see the kids. We LOVE Skype

  • Skype is such an integral part of relationships these days and being able to connect face to face. You miss out on that when just talking on the phone.

  • How sweet. My best friend and I have tried to stay close since I moved six years ago, but it can be hard to stay connected. Skype sure helps with that!

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