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Using the Toyota Sienna for Good #SiennaDiaries

Using the Toyota Sienna for Good #SiennaDiaries

Sienna Diaries - Using the Toyota Sienna for Good

As part of the Toyota Sienna Ambassadorship program we were asked to use the Sienna to give back to the community in some way. The start of the year has been so hectic around here, and I have to admit that I haven’t done as much charitable giving as I should. I am so thankful that Toyota has given my family the opportunity to use the Toyota Sienna for good and help out in the community.

Using the Toyota Sienna for Good

You may have heard me mention before that we live in a somewhat poor, rural area. The Family Connection and Communities in Schools organization in our county stays very busy providing the people in our county the necessities via a food bank, after school care, and various other programs. Throughout the year I make donations to the food bank, and help out with the annual holiday toy drive. But for this project I wanted to see if there was a specific need.

Sienna Diaries - Using the Toyota Sienna for Good

Wanda, the program director, asked if we could make a donation of toilet paper. Toilet paper and other paper products aren’t normally included along with the food they receive from Harvest Food Bank, and is something that people often request. I honestly wouldn’t have come up with the idea of a toilet paper donation on my own. I don’t know why, really. It’s something that we use on a daily basis. Can you imagine not having the money to buy such a basic necessity? It makes me emotional just thinking about it.

Sienna Diaries - Using the Toyota Sienna for Good

My daughter and I checked online for the best deal we could find on toilet paper and found ourselves at a local drug store. There wasn’t near the amount of toilet paper on the shelves that we would be needing. After telling the store clerk about our donation efforts, she went into the back of the store and pulled out everything they had for us. We easily found room in the back of the Sienna for all 28 packages of toilet paper. It could have easily fit 3 times that amount without even folding the back seats down. This van has so much storage space! I’ll have to do our spring cleaning donation before our time with the Sienna is up.

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Sienna Diaries - Using the Toyota Sienna for Good

After picking my granddaughters up from school, we stopped by the food bank with the much appreciated donation. It was such a great experience. I try to lead by example, and was glad my granddaughters were there to participate in the good deed.

I am participating in a sponsored campaign with Toyota. All thoughts and opinions are my own.

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